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MyStoryMySong is a music education outreach program, focused on guiding elementary and middle school students toward developing arts and life skills with Mr. Y Piano Guy!


One Zion United has the desire to offer Metropolitan Birmingham-area students the opportunity to gain experience in the music industry, while enhancing life skills like teamwork and interaction, cognition, and math skills. MyStoryMySong will create a place for students from all backgrounds to find their own voice and their own story. MyStoryMySong is modeled after a similar program that was implemented in Atlanta, Georgia several years ago - Communities in the Schools.  Like the former, MyStoryMySong will bring diverse students together to work with one another as they sharpen their skills and learn more about music in the real world. They will display their talents in a final showcase, and receive awards to compliment their gains. In addition, students will participate in select programs with One Zion United and other religious organizations, where they will demonstrate their skills in a real-world setting. 


Music has enormous power to engage the emotions, and the Bible resounds with praise and thanks to God through music.  In the Old Testament music played a number of different roles, including assisting in the memorization of God’s truth and in reminding God’s people of their fallenness and salvation.  In the New Testament God’s people gather together to express their praise to him and to build one another up in the faith. A rich variety of music that is in harmony with the ministry of God’s word is a significant part of the life of the church and points towards the role of music in our praise of God in heaven.


Upload a :30-:60 second clip of you singing "Your Song" on Instagram or Facebook

Use the hashtag #MyStoryMySong

Tag @One Zion United AME Zion Church (Facebook) OR @OneZionUnited (Instagram)


(12) winners will be selected for a Grand Finale and will win a BRAND NEW Music Tablet


(1) Grand Prize winner will win a professional recording session!

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